WPD, Range 54 give away free ammunition during Save-A-Casing event

22 July 2023

WICHITA, Kan. (KSNW) — Range 54 and the Wichita Police Department teamed up to promote safe gun ownership on Saturday.

Operation Save-a-Casing allowed people to receive 50 free rounds of ammunition provided by the Wichita Police Department. People kept the casings so if a gun was ever stolen, police can help identify the gun.

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“As gun owners, we believe in the Second Amendment, but with rights come responsibilities,” Ken Grommet, co-owner of Range 54, said. “And it’s just responsible if that gun gets taken, then we’re going to do everything we can do to get it back.”

Organizers also gave away about 600 gun safes to secure guns inside vehicles. The co-owner of the facility says they’ve given about 2,000 safes away in the last two years.

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