Wichita Public Schools summer food program begins Tuesday

25 May 2023

WICHITA, Kan. (KSNW) – Wichita Public Schools says free breakfasts and lunches will be offered to all children 18 years old and younger at 39 locations as part of the district’s summer food program. It runs Tuesday, May 30, through Friday, July 28. There is no application or registration required.

The district says children must be present to receive a meal, and all must be consumed onsite. Any child can participate, even if they aren’t a Wichita student.

Yard signs and large yellow signs are used to indicate which door to enter for meal service

Meal locations:

Click here for a complete list of locations and times.


Download the breakfast menu here

Download the lunch menu here

Breakfast will include one serving of grain, one serving of fruit or juice and one serving of milk. Lunch will consist of one serving of grain, one serving of meat or a meat alternative, one serving of fruit, one serving of vegetable, and one serving of milk.

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Adults can purchase a meal at $3 for breakfast and $5 for lunch. The exact amount is required since attendants cannot provide change.

Summer meal programs are federally funded by the USDA.

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