Wichita police block Edgemoor exit on eastbound Kellogg

13 June 2023

WICHITA, Kan. (KSNW) — The Wichita Police Department blocked off the Woodlawn exit on eastbound Kellogg Monday evening.

They were previously blocking off eastbound Kellogg, having traffic divert at the Woodlawn exit.

Traffic has since reverted back to normal.

Timestamp: 8:37 p.m.Timestamp: 8:27 p.m.

Click here to view the live stream on WICHway/KanDrive.

Wichita police say they have seized 28-30 gallons of meth

Sedgwick County dispatch has not yet confirmed why the police department is diverting traffic.

KSN will provide more information as it becomes available.

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