Voters decide on sales tax issue across Kansas

8 November 2023

WICHITA, Kan. (KSNW) – Voters decided on sale tax issues across Kansas.

Derby increases its sales tax by 1%, with 55% percent of voters approving it. The new tax will bring in $5 million a year for roads, parks, new police cars and fire equipment.

In Fowler, voters approved a one-cent sales tax. Most of the money goes to the school district for art and music teachers. The rest will pay off debt and lower property taxes.

Conway Springs voters gave approval to a 2% hike. The money will be used to fix roads.

Kansas Election Results

Plains in Meade County rejected a half-cent sales tax that would have been used to repay a $500,000 loan the city received to open a grocery store in 2021. The store’s co-manager told KSN News last week that if the sales tax did not pass, the store’s profits would not be enough to make the loan payments.

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