USPS pickup location will soon close in Topeka

26 July 2023

TOPEKA (KSNT) – A United States Postal Service location in Topeka is relocating its mail pickup.

A United States Postal Service (USPS) Annex in southwest Topeka will no longer allow customers to pick up their mail, starting at the end of August. The Sherwood Carrier Annex at 6120 SW 29th Street posted a letter on its door July 17 that it will no longer be a pickup location. Starting Aug. 26, all mail picked up at The Sherwood Carrier Annex will be relocated for customers to pick up at the Gage Post Office Center at 1430 SW Woodhull Street.

Photo courtesy of Alyssa Storm

Mark Inglett, USPS Strategic Communications Specialist told KSNT 27 News in an email the USPS is implementing the Delivering for America plan to achieve financial stability and better service. USPS will be creating Sorting and Delivery Centers (S&DCs) to achieve this.

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Sorting and Delivery Centers (S&DCs) will position the Postal Service for success by:

 Utilizing existing postal-owned buildings where significant upgrades will be implemented, in many cases also accomplishing deferred maintenance.

Allowing us to expand a business customer’s local, regional, and nationwide market reach from a single nearby drop location in shortened time intervals; in many cases same-day or next-day.

Enabling electric vehicle deployment by concentrating EVs where electricity and facility infrastructure leads to feasibility.

Improving the flow of both mail and packages, essential to our financial and operational future, through the installation of new package sortation. 

Greatly improving employee morale by providing modern and inviting workspaces. 

Substantially reducing costly and underutilized truck trips from our processing plants and achieve both financial and environmental goals.

Excerpt of Mark Inglett’s email to KSNT 27 News

Inglett told KSNT 27 News with this initiative, customers will not see changes to local post office retail operations. No post offices will close, and PO Box services will not change.

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