USD 259 BOE votes to hire student absence-reduction company

1 August 2023

WICHITA, Kan. (KSNW) – On Monday, Wichita Public Schools USD 259 Board of Education voted unanimously to hire EveryDay Labs.

“EveryDay Labs, under the agreement with Wichita Public Schools, will provide a targeted scientific approach to address our district’s Chronic Absenteeism,” read Monday’s BOE Agenda.

According to a spokesperson for USD 259, the final absenteeism rate for WPS last year was 40.1%, which includes both excused and unexcused absences. Almost half of Wichita Public Schools students are identified as chronically absent, meaning they missed at least 11 days of school last year.

EveryDay Labs keeps track of children’s attendance, identifies kids who are at risk and delivers “targeted intervention” of mail and text nudges. Family members receive “nudges” as a way to address absenteeism.

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Monday’s BOE meeting put forth the following recommendation:

“It is recommended that the Board authorize the district to enter into an agreement with EveryDay Labs for the 2023-24 school year to provide software to address chronic absenteeism. This contract shall not exceed $70,000 funded through federal Title I funds.”

There are currently 13 schools in the district that will begin under a pilot program, according to the BOE. This includes White, Hamilton, Payne, Hadley, Truesdell, Curtis, North, Cessna, Linwood, Stanley, Coleman, Benton and Mead.

This contract would work with EveryDay Labs to keep track of attendance and send mail and text messages to students and families to encourage attendance and address absenteeism. The company claims it can reduce chronic absenteeism by 10-15%.

The board voted 6-0.

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