30 August 2023
WICHITA, Kan. (KSNW) – Ulysses held a special election on Tuesday where voters were presented with two questions.
Find the unofficial results below:
USD 214 bond
Shall USD 214 be authorized to issue general obligation bonds in an amount not to exceed $44,750,000 to renovate Hicktok Elementary School, Sullivan Elementary School, Keply Middle School, and Ulysses High School?
No: 929
Yes: 241
To read more about the special bond, click here.
City of Ulysses sales tax
Shall the City of Ulysses be authorized to impose a 1% special purpose Citywide retailers’ sales tax (the “Educational Sales Tax”) to assist USD 214 in paying for their special bond if it is passed?
No: 637
Yes: 290
To read the full question presented on the ballots, click here.