Tax deadlines coming up: here are the Kansas tax brackets

4 April 2023

KANSAS (KSNT) – The deadline for requesting tax extensions is coming up but if you owe taxes, you should still pay by the April 18 deadline to avoid late payment penalties.

If you need more time to prepare your federal tax return, individuals can complete a Form 4868 for an automatic extension, according to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Some special rules may apply if you’re serving in a combat zone, live outside of the U.S. or qualify for disaster relief.

Individuals can use the IRS Free File form to electronically request for extensions, according to the IRS. Completing the form will give you until Oct. 15 to file your return. The IRS advises filing for an extension doesn’t extend the time to pay owed taxes.

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To avoid a separate charge, 90% of your taxes must be paid by April 15 and any remaining balance paid by the extended due date, according to the Kansas Department of Revenue (KDOR).

For people who are struggling to pay in full by the deadline, the IRS offers several options. Taxpayers can use the IRS Online Payment Agreement to set up a payment plan. If individuals choose to use a payment plan they may be subject to interest payments.

The IRS recommends filing electronically with a direct deposit instead of submitting paper returns to avoid refund delays.

The individual income tax brackets for married or joint couples in Kansas are:

IncomeTax ratesLess than $30,0003.1%Over $30,000 but not over $60,000$930 plus 5.25%
when over $30,000Over $60,000$2,505 plus 5.7%
when over $60,000

The individual income tax brackets for individuals and others in Kansas are:

IncomeTax RatesLess than $15,0003.1%Over $15,000 but not over $30,000$465 plus 5.25%
when over $15,000Over $30,000$1,250 plus 5.7%
when over $30,000

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