Reward increased to $11,000 for cattle rustlers in Wabaunsee Co.

15 November 2023

WABAUNSEE COUNTY (KSNT) – The Wabaunsee County Sheriff’s Office (WCSO) has increased the reward for information on the “low down n dirty cattle rustling scumbags” who took off with a local farmer’s livestock.

On Wednesday, the Sheriff’s Office announced it was increasing the reward for information from $1,000 to $11,000 for information leading to the arrest of the individuals who stole 16 calves and one cow on Oct. 23, five miles southeast of Wamego.

“He out creepin up in fields stealing cows & baby cows too,” the Sheriff’s Office said on Facebook. “Gross! You deserve better lady!”

The owners of the cattle offered $5,000 and now the Kansas Farm Bureau has added $1,000 and the KLA theft reward program has added another $5,000.

The cattle were black and red hide claves and weighed between 400 to 450 pounds. The cattle are of mixed sec and had yellow tags in their right ears, according to the WCSO.

Reward offered for ‘cattle rustling scumbags’ in Wabaunsee Co.

If you have information about the “nefarious theft of livelihood and property from a good and honest citizen and American rancher,” you’re asked to contact the WCSO at 785-765-3323.

The reward is being offered through the Kansas Farm Bureau. People are encouraged to contact the Wabaunsee County Farm Bureau Office for more information at 785-587-6150.

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