Lawrence residents asked to voluntarily reduce water after water main break

27 July 2023

LAWRENCE, Kan. — The City of Lawrence is asking residents to reduce their water usage through Friday following a 24-inch water main break late Thursday afternoon.

The city said this water main supplies water from the Clinton Water Treatment Plant to a large portion of the community.

Currently, there is no impact on drinking water service, according to the city.

The city said it is using a secondary water main to route water around while the repair is being made.

Crews will be working through the night to bring the water main back into service.

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Residents in Lawrence can take different actions to reduce water consumption during this time, such as: 

Limiting outdoor watering

Shortening showers

Limiting the washing of cars and vehicles

Limiting the refilling of pools

The city said it will notify everyone when the repair is complete.

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