KDOT gives update on Amtrak Heartland Flyer expansion

27 February 2024

WICHITA, Kan. (KSNW) — The Kansas Department of Transportation has released the results of the public input and virtual town hall on expanding Amtrak’s Heartland Flyer in Kansas.

The proposed project would extend the Heartland Flyer passenger rail service from Oklahoma City through Wichita and up to Newton, where it would connect with the Southwest Chief. The Southwest Chief connects Los Angeles to Chicago with multiple stops in Kansas.

The Kansas Department of Transportation took public comment on the proposed expansion and held a virtual public meeting in November 2023. On Tuesday, KDOT released the results of the feedback they received on the proposed expansion.

Previously: Amtrak push from Kansas lawmakers

The department says they received over 400 comments about the proposal, the majority of which were all positive. KDOT says the majority of the negative feedback they received was over the virtual format of the town hall rather than an in-person meeting, but still in support of Amtrak expansion.

Supporters also wanted to see passenger rail service expand further north of Newton, connecting other communities, like Manhattan, as well as Lawrence and Kansas City, which are connected by the Southwest Chief.

Those who participated also want to see improved amenities, updated train stations, handicap accessibility improvements, and connections to bus routes and airports. You can read the summary of the public meeting by clicking here.

If you would like to see the presentation given during November’s virtual meeting, you can do so by clicking here. To view the facts sheet and frequently asked questions about Heartland Flyer expansion, click here.

The Kansas Department of Transportation says a second public meeting will be held in Spring with the Service Development Plan to be completed later this year. If successful, the expansion will be completed, with service starting by 2029.

Previously: More Amtrak routes could be passing through Kansas, FRA study

At Tuesday’s Wichita City Council workshop meeting, city leaders learned that KDOT has received a $500,000 planning grant for the project. They have also applied for other federal grants.

Wichita’s lobbyist in Washington, Jim Davenport, says when the council soon visits Washington, they have several meetings scheduled, including with the Federal Railroad Administration. He says they can discuss with the FRA the grants that are available to help support the completion of the project.

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