KC Dem ‘undecided’ on ‘flat tax’ bill; Will GOP have votes to override veto?

26 January 2024

TOPEKA (KSNT) – Kansas Governor Laura Kelly is standing by her plan to veto GOP leaders’ single-rate income tax or “flat tax” as some call it. Kelly vetoed the plan on Friday.

The move puts GOP leaders in a tough spot to find enough votes needed to override.

“I am always concerned until a veto is sustained,” Kelly told Kansas Capitol Bureau earlier this week. “We will keep our eyes on the situation and work with members of both caucuses to make sure that we sustain the veto on the flat tax.”

The single-rate income tax is a key feature of the GOP tax package, which was forwarded to the Governor’s desk this week. The plan would set the state income tax to 5.25%, accounting for about $12,000 in exemptions for married couples filing jointly and about $6,000 for others.

Democrats say the tax change would put the state in a hole. However, at least one is still on the fence.

“I’ve talked to Democrats… Republicans… I’ve sided on what’s been seen as issues on either side,” Sen. David Haley, D-Kansas City.

Kelly vetoes GOP flat tax bill

Haley is one of two Democrats who was missing from last week’s floor vote in the Senate. In an interview with Kansas Capitol Bureau on Tuesday, he said he’s weighing arguments on both sides. He’s debating whether a “simpler” tax rate could attract higher-income earners.

“Those high-end earners… that would move… or be retained in our state… would that be able to offset… what those anticipated losses would be?” Haley explained.

The tax package passed the Senate 25-11 last week. The bill still needs two more votes to override a veto.

While the Governor has siphoned some key votes in the Senate to sign on to her tax plan, Senate President Ty Masterson said that there could be Democrats open to conversation, during a pre-session interview.

Four members of the Senate were not present for last week’s floor vote. Aside from Senator Haley, Senator Tom Holland, D-Baldwin City was also absent.

Kansas Capitol Bureau sent Senator Holland an email on Tuesday regarding where he stands on Republicans’ plan, but did not hear back.

Republican Senators were also absent for last week’s vote. That includes Senator John Doll, R-Garden City, who’s signed on to support the Governor’s plan. Republican Senator Kristen O’Shea (R-Topeka) was also absent for the floor vote.

27 votes are needed to override the Governor’s veto in the Senate. 84 votes are needed in the House.

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