19 March 2024
GREAT BEND, Kan. (KSNW) — The Kansas Wetlands Education Center, located at 592 NE Kansas Highway 156 in Great Bend, will host a solar eclipse viewing party from 12 to 3 p.m. on Monday, April 8.
“While our location may not experience totality, viewers will still be treated to a rare and spectacular sight as the moon obscures 82.5 percent of the sun,” said the KWEC.
The KWEC says the eclipse viewing party will be educational and fun for all ages.
“Attendees can look forward to engaging in games, science experiments, snacks, crafts, and safe viewing opportunities,” said the KWEC.
Activities will include various safe viewing methods, learning sessions about moon phases, accompanied by sweet treats, discussion about animal behavior during an eclipse, and crafting sessions to make UV bead bookmarks and eclipse necklaces as keepsakes. There will also be lawn games and eclipse-related videos playing in the auditorium.
The Great Bend Noon Lions Club has donated 300 eclipse glasses that will be distributed to participants on the day of the event. The KWEC will be reminding everyone not to stare directly at the sun to avoid any eye damage.
Guests are being encouraged to bring a lawn chair and their own lunch.
For more information, call the KWEC at 877-243-9268.