K-State basketball is getting a new court

27 January 2023

MANHATTAN, KS. (KSNT)- K-State basketball fans have been throwing out various ideas and designs for a new court.

The idea of a new court design is, apparently, not just fun on social media. K-State Athletic Director Gene Taylor confirmed in a video released by K-State Athletics on Friday the Wildcats will be getting a new basketball court.

The reason, however, isn’t what fans might think. The new court isn’t just to look cool. Taylor says the current court is nearing the end of its life.

“There will be [a new court] because the court has reached its lifespan, so we will be putting a new court in by next season,” Taylor said. “Probably based on the timing of getting the court built and designed, it’s probably going to be sometime in the mid part of the season, November or December.”

Taylor did not say whether the new court will be much different, in style and design, than the current court.

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