Haley files for Kansas presidential preference primary

19 January 2024

WICHITA, Kan. (KSNW) – Republican presidential hopeful Nikki Haley will be on the Kansas presidential preference primary ballot.

Haley filed on Thursday, according to the Kansas Secretary of State’s website. She joins four other candidates.

President Joe Biden, former President Donald Trump, Democratic Representative Dean Phillips and Republican businessman Ryan Binkley.

Fiery crash closes part of US Highway 54 in Ford County

Friday, January 19

12 p.m. deadline for candidates to file to run in the presidential preference primary.

Tuesday, February 20

Deadline to register to vote or update voter registration information to participate in the presidential preference primary.

Last day to apply for an advance voting mail ballot.

Wednesday, February 28

First day of advance voting. Advance ballots by mail are transmitted. In-person advance voting may begin. Check with your county election officer for specific times and locations.

Monday, March 18

In-person advance voting ends at 12 p.m.

Tuesday, March 19

Presidential preference primary

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