Getting through tough times with the Boys and Girls Clubs of Topeka

19 October 2023

TOPEKA (KSNT) – Jennifer LeClair joined the 27 News Morning Show to speak about avenues of emotional support parents can take during this difficult time in the community.

LeClair explained that at the Boys and Girls Clubs of Topeka, they are lucky to have a full-time, masters-level social worker.

“Over the past couple of weeks, she has made sure that we are checking in with ourselves, and that we are okay,” LeClair said. “Because in order to show up for our kids, we’ve got to make sure that our emotions are okay, and that we are really pulse-checking each other.”

She also highlighted the other staff at the Boys and Girls Clubs of Topeka.

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“They show up in a way that our kids need them to,” she said. “Whether they are navigating anger, sadness or fear, we’ve got social-emotional support at every level, from kindergarten all the way through high school.”

She said during those tough situations, that type of emotional-social support is important.

“And at times like these, sometimes our kids just need someone to talk to,” she said. “And our staff is just such a great support system for that.”

Sign up now for the Youth Mental Health First Aid class

LeClair also announced the third annual “Kick it with the Club” kickball tournament will be back in April of 2024!

Sign-up has not opened yet, but it will be opening up soon. LeClair warned people that want to participate this year to get their line-ups together so they are ready when registration opens!

To hear more details from LeClair about the above topics, plus the Youth of the Year concert coming up in December, watch the full interview above.

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