Former Kansas Highway Patrol Superintendent Herman Jones cleared in harassment lawsuit

20 July 2023

TOPEKA, Kan. (KSNT) – A judge has sided with former Kansas Highway Patrol Superintendent Colonel Herman Jones in a federal lawsuit. The case was brought against him in 2021 by two former majors who supervised multiple female employees who accused Jones of creating a hostile work environment and subjecting them to sexual misconduct.

In a decision Wednesday, the court found the claims against Jones and co-defendant, Assistant Superintendent Jason De Vore, were unfounded. The judge ruled the defendants are entitled to qualified immunity on the claims against them because the plaintiffs did not identify clearly established law.

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In the lawsuit, Majors Scott Harrington and Josh Kellerman alleged they were victims of retaliation. They supervised multiple female employees within the Kansas Highway Patrol who accused Jones of sexual misconduct and subjecting them to a hostile work environment. The plaintiffs claimed they were denied opportunities, disciplined unfairly and eventually terminated.

Jones was appointed as superintendent in 2019. In 2020, he was cleared of multiple allegations, including gender discrimination and misuse of the state aircraft. He retired earlier this year.

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