Few showers southeast tonight, winds start to pick up tomorrow

9 April 2024

What we’re Tracking

Few showers southeast tonight

Quiet pattern

Extremely warm next weekend

Tonight, cloud cover moves into the area and winds remain rather calm. The storm system that arrives on Wednesday afternoon looks to stay off towards the south so we will miss out on any beneficial rain chances. However, this system will bring in overnight clouds and possible showers for our southeastern counties for tonight.

Wednesday follows up with partly cloudy conditions. Sunshine returning Thursday, helping to warm our temperatures well above normal for this upcoming weekend. Winds also pick up again on Thursday. We could see wind gusts as high as 40 mph.

We settle into a quiet pattern this week. Rain chances stay rather limited through the work week. Temperatures stay mild in the upper 60s and lower 70s. Early trends for next weekend look extremely warm with temperatures in the middle to upper 80s.

KSNT Storm Track Meteorologist Ely Millard

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