10 November 2023
WICHITA, Kan. (KSNW) – Arctic Adventure, Exploration Place’s holiday experience, opens Friday with an outdoor installation. Part of the exhibit is Whispering Woodlands, which is set in EP’s picnic grove.
Visitors will cross a bridge and end up in an interactive environment. Guest can trigger sounds that echo from about 30 trees, enhanced by interactive lighting.
“I think right now it just changed to a rain kind of texture, and the lights are interacting with that, and two minutes from now, it’ll be something else. I definitely heard some space kinda sounds. Some of them are very specific like rain. Some of them are more ambient,” Adam Smith, president and CEO of Exploration Place, said.
Whispering Woodlands is open Nov. 10 through Jan. 7. Exploration Place will be open late until 8 p.m. the following nights for the optimum Whispering Woodlands experience:
Nov. 16, 30
Dec. 7, 14, 21-23, 26-30
Jan. 4
The cost to visit Exploration Place, which includes admission to Whispering Woodlands and Arctic Adventure, is $12 for adults, $10 for seniors, $10 for youth and free for ages 2 and under.