EXCLUSIVE: DA Kagay announces receiving federal human trafficking grant

27 September 2023

TOPEKA (KSNT) – Shawnee County District Attorney Mike Kagay announced on the 27 News Morning Show that Kansas has received a federal grant from the Department of Justice to expand human trafficking investigations.

Kagay said it’s a very competitive process to be selected for federal funds and that he was excited Shawnee County was selected. Shawnee County was selected to receive $650,000 for its human trafficking efforts.

“I was notified we have won this award from the Department of Justice and they’re going to supply us with over $650,000 so we can go ahead and hire some additional positions and really strengthen our program here in Shawnee County and I am very, very excited about it,” Kagay said.

Kagay announced the county would hire an additional investigator and someone who would do intelligence analysis work.

Kagay thanked the Shawnee County Commissioners and the Shawnee County Sheriff Brian Hill for their support.

“To get this kind of support from the Federal government, it feels good,” Kagay said.

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