20 September 2023
MANHATTAN (KSNT) – Construction crews are starting work on a reconstruction project near Kansas State University.
On Wednesday, the City of Manhattan shared in a press release that construction has started on an intersection near Aggieville. Crews will be removing and reconstructing sidewalks, crosswalks and signals on the east half of North Manhattan Avenue and Vattier Street.
The east side of North Manhattan Avenue and Vattier Street east of the intersection will be closed to motorist and pedestrian traffic. Two-way traffic on North Manhattan Avenue will be maintained throughout the project, according to the press release.
Photo courtesy of the City of Manhattan
Traffic traveling eastbound leaving K-State’s campus on Vattier Street will be restricted to right turns only. Left turns will be allowed from northbound North Manhattan Avenue. The city warns drivers to be aware of increased traffic volume on North Manhattan Avenue between Anderson/Bluemont Avenue and Vattier Street, according to the press release.
This phase of the project is expected to take five weeks to complete and the project is expected to last throughout the rest of the school year, according to the press release.