City of Wichita cracking down on illegal slot machines

8 August 2023

WICHITA, Kan. (KSNW) – There is an evidence section for Wichita police that has nearly one thousand illegal slots. More are likely on the way as the WPD continues to confiscate the machines.

“For probably close to ten years in Wichita, we have seen an increase in gambling, illegal gambling,” said WPD Captain Travis Rakestraw.

City Council Member Jeff Blubaugh said the city will take up tougher penalties and a way to get tough on business license holders on Tuesday.

“It’s time to do something,” said Blubaugh. “They’re a real problem throughout the city, specifically in my district. And they really prey on people that maybe are lower income.”

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Kansas Racing and Gaming say slot machines are heavily regulated and have to pay out nearly 90% of what they take in over the period of one year. But one racing and gaming official on Monday said the illegal slots pay out as little as just 40%.

“This is really taking advantage of people who see the machines and decide to play a bit,” said Blubaugh. “We need to toughen up the (city) ordinance if you’re going to continue to take advantage of people.”

Captain Rakestraw says the WPD has continued to confiscate the machines, only to see them replaced in a short period of time, with the owners of the machines changing business names.

“We collect these machines, refer these cases for prosecution with the district attorney’s office,” said Rakestraw. “Often times there’s felony charges that are associated with this, and then there’s also the risk of losing your city license to sell liquor if you’re involved in this.”

Blubaugh said he wants to see the city council make tougher penalties for businesses that contract to allow the slots in their businesses.

“This is something I hear from constituents all the time about. They do not like these machines,” said Blubaugh. “They see these machines in laundry mats, they see these machines in bars, they’ve seen these in smoke shops. They’re just throughout the city, and it’s time to crack down on them.”

KSN will follow city council action on Tuesday and update any changes in city code or ordinance in regard to illegal slot machines.

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