Wichita Knitters’ Guild creates more than projects

24 May 2023

WICHITA, Kan. (KSNW) – Yarn stores are a common meeting place for people that knit. In 2017, many of these stores started closing locally. That’s what inspired the Wichita Knitters’ Guild to begin.

“This is an art. This is an art form,” said Teresa Lee, a member of the Wichita Knitters’ Guild.

With needles and yarn, the options are endless.

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“You’re creating art with your hands, and you have a piece you can keep for yourself, give to family. It’s a little piece of your own little heart that you’re giving away,” Lee explained.

A creative outlet the Guild is looking to keep alive.

“It’s also functional. You don’t wanna lose those skills to a new generation just because machines can do it,” Lee said.

“In general, we are an older generation, but we got some younger ones coming up, which is so exciting to see,” said Donna Simspon, President of the Guild.

The group meets once a month to learn new lessons and gain inspiration.

“To see something that someone has done and going, ‘I wanna do that!’ and then doing it knowing someone is going to be there to help you if you run into any glitches,” Simpson said.

Diversity is woven through its members.

“We have young, old, we have new beginners, we have people who are extremely experienced, and everybody has something to bring to the table,” Lee said.

“Not a whole lot of activities can have that type of diversity within it; that’s why I love it,” said Eva Shay, guild member.

The group creates more than knitting projects.

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“It forms incredible bonds, then we all end up sharing about our lives and getting to know other people and being a support group,” Shay said.

A group, staying close-knit.

The Guild shares a list of social knitting options; click here to learn more.

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