K-State team to provide free eye exams for service dogs

26 April 2023

 MANHATTAN (KSNT) – A Kansas State University’s Veterinary Health Center team will provide free eye exams for service and working dogs throughout May.

Starting in 2008, this marks year 14 of the Epicur Pharma National Service Animal Eye Exam, according to K-State. Every year veterinary ophthalmologists across the U.S., Canada, Puerto Rico and Hong Kong provide over 8,000 free eye exams.

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The event is sponsored by the American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists, Epicur Pharma and other industry sponsors. Since its inception, about 76,000 eye exams have been conducted.

The K-State team includes members of the College of Veterinary Medicine Associate Professor of Ophthalmology Jessica Meekins and Professor of Ophthalmology Amy Rankin. Members of K-State’s Veterinary Health Center Registered Veterinary Technician Jennifer Klingele and Veterinary Assistant Jordyn Orrison will also go on the road to conduct eye exams.

“Our goal is to screen active service and working animals for eye diseases that could impact the ability to perform their jobs, and in doing so, help them better serve their human owners and handlers,” Meekins said.

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The specialists will visit the Kansas Specialty Dog Service or KSDS, Assistance Dogs Inc. in Washington Kansas. The team will also provide exams for military working dogs at McConnell Air Force Base in Wichita.

Meekins and Rankin will be on the lookout for problems including redness, squinting, cloudy corneas, retinal disease, early cataracts and other abnormalities, according to K-State.

You can schedule an appointment at the Veterinary Health Center by calling 785-532-5690. Participants must register online at acvoeyeexam.com before calling. Registration will close April 30.

You can read more at the American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists/Epicur Pharma National Service Animal Eye Exam events.

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