2 April 2024
RENO COUNTY, Kan. (KSNW) — A fire destroyed a home in Partridge early Tuesday morning, but the people inside managed to get out safely.
Around 4 a.m., smoke detectors went off in a home near Reno and Avenue F, waking the residents.
Reno County Fire Districts 3, 4, and 8 arrived and found flames in the northeast part of the home. Firefighters went inside and tried to stop the fire, but it spread too fast. It got into the attic and rapidly started burning the rest of the home.
The crews backed out of the house and fought the blaze from the outside.
Reno County Emergency Management says the City of Partridge does not have hydrants or a water supply, so water had to be hauled to the scene. Tender trucks, or water trucks, from Reno County Fire Districts 6 and 9 and Pretty Prairie hauled in 21,000 gallons of water.
A fire destroyed a home in Partridge, Kansas, on April 2, 2024. (Photo Courtesy Reno County Emergency Management)
When it was over, the home was so severely damaged that an excavator was brought in to level it.
According to Reno County Emergency Management, an investigation found that the fire started from a cigarette.