Wagyu beef added to Washburn Rural High School cafeteria menu

27 January 2024

TOPEKA (KSNT) – Some local students are soon getting some of the highest-quality beef in the state for school lunches.

This semester Wagyu beef is an option for students at Washburn Rural high school. For many, this beef is preferred because of its high-degree of marbling which gives it a richer texture and flavor. The meat comes partially from Japanese Beef Cattle, which is extremely rare in America.

USD 437 is working with Booth Creek Wagyu out of Manhattan who is pleased to get students the nutrition they need for each school day.

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“The owner of the company values doing business with schools, and he wants to give back to the community, and we’re getting such a good price,” Food Service Supervisor Stan Vallis said. “It’s extremely affordable and it’s high-quality product.”

The district says it’s rare for students to have an entrée, let alone this quality of beef. They tell 27 News they are sampling the Wagyu this week, and could have it ready for students as early as next week.

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