15 March 2023
LAWRENCE, Kan. — City Commissioners are expected to address a proposal to build a pallet shelter village that would provide emergency housing next week.
The issue is on the agenda for the City Commission’s March 21 meeting.
During the meeting, commissioners are expected to be asked to approve the plan to add dozens of homes made out of pallets. Each cabin has heating and cooling. The village will be complete with shared restrooms, laundry, showers, and office space.
Supporters propose adding the pallet village to an area near North Michigan Street and Woodcreek, just south of the Kansas Turnpike. The site is across the Kansas River and about two miles away from a city-supported homeless camp in North Lawrence.
Commissioners will also need to decide if the city should buy that property to add the village.
Supporters say the village plan is a key piece in community efforts to end homelessness in both Lawrence and Douglas County.
“We are committed to making Lawrence a community where all people can feel at home, can feel safe and can enjoy life,” Brandon McGuire, Assistant City Manager, said. “This includes our community members experiencing homelessness, and the City is working hard to provide needed emergency shelter resources. While we’re excited by the interim need that Pallet can fill, our work is far from done.”
Supporters say the plan will help Lawrence reach its goal to establish enough emergency shelters so every person in need has a warm, safe place to spend the night, every night.