10 February 2023
Temperatures today have taken on a cooler tone. This will not last long as southerly flow will start to take root into tonight.
Winds will pick up Saturday out west first. Expect a lot of sunshine over the weekend with unseasonable warmth.
Temps keep going up Sunday as the axis of stronger winds marches East.
We are tracking two distinct storm systems next week. First arrives on Monday with the southwest having a small window for rain and snow before the column of air warms to produce all rain.
This spreads East Monday night into Tuesday still as rain. Temps will remain well above average.
The next system Wednesday and Thursday looks to have more of a snow component to it farther north. Southern Kansas will see less moisture and temps will initially be in the form of rain before the air cools for all snow by Thursday.
This system has the potential to produce widespread snowfall accumulations. The track is what will need to be stamped down because the slightest shift north or south will drastically change who gets the most snow and who gets robbed.
Temps behind this latter system take on an Arctic appearance with highs below average and in many cases, staying in the freezer through the rest of the week. Does not look like it lingers long as temperatures turn warmer the following weekend.
KSN Storm Track 3 Forecast from Chief Meteorologist Lisa Teachman:
Tonight: Mostly clear. Lo: 18 Wind: N/S 5-15
Tomorrow: Mostly sunny. Hi: 54 Wind: S 8-18
Tomorrow Night: Mostly clear. Lo: 27 Wind: S 5-15
Wichita Weekly
Sun: Hi: 62 Lo: 30 Partly cloudy, windy.
Mon: Hi: 59 Lo: 40 Mostly cloudy. 20% chance of rain.
Tue: Hi: 60 Lo: 37 Mostly cloudy, windy. 70% chance of rain.
Wed: Hi: 57 Lo: 25 Mostly cloudy, windy. 20% chance of rain.
Thu: Hi: 38 Lo: 18 Mostly to partly cloudy, windy. 20% chance of snow.
Fri: Hi: 44 Lo: 20 Partly cloudy, breezy.
-Chief Meteorologist Lisa Teachman