28 November 2023
WICHITA, Kan. (KSNW) — Wichita Public Schools and Environmental Services, in partnership with the Mental Health and Substance Abuse Coalition, Sedgwick County Sheriff, Wichita Metro Crime Commission, Wichita Police Department and Wichita State University, hosted a teen drug summit for middle schoolers Tuesday.
Sedgwick County Sheriff Jeff Easter says the summit provided the teens with tools, answers and different types of information to prevent drug use.
“We really try to give them the tools and let them be leaders as young people to say no and not try those type of substances, because especially nowadays with the way Fentanyl is, it’s laced in numerous types of different drugs. It can be very fatal for kids this age,” said Easter.
Norris Slupianek, the president of the Wichita Metro Crime Commission, says they are trying to bring awareness to teens sooner rather than later.
“We have found out that if we wait till senior high, we’re probably too late, so we’re targeting this program to the junior high school students,” said Slupianek.
Easter says they don’t use scare tactics anymore but simply state the facts, especially about the dangers of Fentanyl.
“We’re really going to impress upon them the dangers of Fentanyl and the dangers of any type of prescription drugs that a friend might give you, or someone might try to sell you in around your school what it could be laced with,” said Easter. “There’s even Adderall, which is not a narcotic, we have found to be laced with Fentanyl, so it’s more of an awareness, education, those types of things.”
Slupianek seconded that anything and everything is being laced with Fentanyl.
“Marijuana is another one, and you know, at that age, they’re in the experimental ages, so we’re trying to give them information where they can make good choices,” said Slupianek.
For information on how to talk to your child about the dangers of drugs, visit the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s website.