Don’t get scammed on Giving Tuesday

28 November 2023

WICHITA, Kan. (KSNW) – The Better Business Bureau is offering tips to those participating in Giving Tuesday.

Scammers work to capitalize on the branding of popular organizations that you know.

Here are the five following things you need to watch for:

Watch out for mistaken identity

Avoid excessive pressure to donate

Be wary of overly emotional appeals

Engage the family in giving decisions

Rely on standards-based evaluations

Charities that are found to meet the 20 BBB Standards for Charity Accountability are helping to demonstrate their trustworthiness. Get free access to charity reports at has also compiled an alphabetical list of charities to give to.

“You really have to do your research any time you’re spending your money online but especially when you’re looking to donate philanthropically because far too many folks are unfortunately sending their money to someone who doesn’t have the resources or the best intentions of donors in mind,” said Josh Planos, VP of communications & public relations for the Better Business Bureau.

Plano also said to be aware of stories that are often tear-jerking.

“We see this a lot with things that populate on GoFundMe pages or crowdsourcing efforts. You can generate a lot of interest and a lot of attraction by pulling at someone’s heartstrings,” Planos added.

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