Wichita man’s recovery comes through building homes

8 September 2023

WICHITA, Kan. (KSNW) – Building a life worth living in recovery is more than getting sober. Each piece has to connect to ensure stability. For Pepin Suter, that is what is working to accomplish through a home with history.

“It’s a beautiful house built in 1886.”

The eyesore caught his attention.

“I’ve always loved this house, and it’s been vacant for at least 15 years.”

Its dilapidated site brought back old memories.

“My drug of choice switched, and then, it was a complete loss of everything. I lost my social network, I lost my friends and family.”

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He removed boards and replaced shattered windows.

“Portion of the foundation was completely missing, and one of my guys chiseled out the blocks to match the other blocks.”

He is reconstructing the home, similar to his life.

“I just kept getting in trouble and finally had enough. Surrendered to the idea that I could not do it on my own. Got into an Oxford House and stayed there for about two and a half years.”

It helped him restore a passion for repurposing things deemed damaged.

“I’ve been doing my remodeling biz for five years, and I have been sober for six.”

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Pepin recognizes everyone’s book tells a different story.

“There are so many people that go through life with a medium bad spot that it does not call out for attention or raise any flags for help, and luckily, I was in a bad enough spot that I had to get help, or I wouldn’t be here.”

He wants this home to be a fresh start.

“This will be a dining room. Working on this glass, this stuff is pretty wild. It’s amazing how different it looks from one side to the next.”

The house and his life transformed with support and care.

“This is a blessing for sure.”

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Pepin dreamed of becoming a new build contractor. He accomplished that goal last month. He said six years ago that he laid out goals which have all come to fruition.

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