City of Topeka announces homeless initiative underway

30 August 2023

TOPEKA (KSNT) – The City of Topeka will be convening in late August and again in mid-September to discuss the next steps to improve the Capital City’s homeless issues.

On Wednesday, the City of Topeka issued a press release to announce its homeless initiative is underway this week. The initiative will be working alongside Sylver Consulting to find solutions to address homelessness.

On Feb. 16, the City of Topeka conducted a ‘Point-in-Time’ homeless population count. The count found Topeka’s homeless population is at a 4-year high with 412 individuals experiencing homelessness. Of those individuals, 59% were male and 40% were female. 157 individuals were found to be unsheltered, meaning they weren’t residents of an emergency shelter or in transitional housing.

Sylver Consulting, a Chicago-based consulting firm, was hired in early 2023 to conduct a $76,080 8-month-long program with the goal of addressing homelessness in the Capital City.

Will $76,000 fix Topeka’s homeless problem?

“The issue of homelessness is one that is impacting all of our residents. It’s a complex issue and one that must be understood and addressed in a humane way. I’m pleased that the working group is getting underway, and I know citizens are eager to learn about next steps and to see progress. I encourage citizens to be patient and to allow the process to work. Citizens should know that the Governing Body will continue to evaluate our camping ordinances in the coming weeks separate, but related to this process,” Topeka Mayor Michael Padilla said in the press release.

Topeka Mayor Michael Padilla

During the Aug. 15 City Council meeting, a working group made up of City of Topeka representatives, local residents, a previously homeless individual and area organizations was approved.

The working group is comprised of the following organizations:

AIM Strategies

Compassion Strategies

Habitat for Humanity

Shawnee County

Shawnee County Department of Corrections

Shawnee County Landlords Association

Topeka Housing Authority

Topeka Rescue Mission Ministries

Valeo Behavioral Health Care

YWCA Northeast Kansas

Individuals with feedback are encouraged to email [email protected]. The City of Topeka has created a list of homelessness frequently asked questions which can be found here.

A Homeless Task Force comprised of local government entities, social service agencies and medical providers for the Shawnee County area holds public meetings on the second Wednesday of each month at the Avondale East NET Center at 455 SE Golf Park Blvd.

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