New Kansas map now available for bike enthusiasts

17 August 2023

TOPEKA, Kan. (KSNW) – The new 2023-2025 Kansas Bicycle Map has a lot to offer those planning a short trip or a long ride.

“The revised map has new features such as a focus on rail-trails, Kansas Tourism resources, and information on the recently published Kansas Active Transportation Plan,” said KDOT’s active transportation manager Jenny Kramer. “This map provides information for cyclists of all levels of experience as well as community advocates wanting to develop and improve trails and paths in their areas.”

Download the Map: 2023-2025 State Bicycle Map

The 2023-25 map includes a state map showing daily traffic volumes, county roads, rest areas, bike shops, byways, state parks, bicycle routes across Kansas, and also includes:

Kansas Rail-Trails revised map and infographic.

Section on Sharing the Trail.

Information on Kansas Tourism Cycling resources.

Information on the Kansas Active Transportation Plan.

S. Bicycle Routes 76 and 66 information.

A table of state recreation areas and amenities.

State bicycle laws.

Maps and cards with bicycle safety tips are available free of charge on the Kansas Bicycle Map webpage. The page includes links to an interactive bicycle map and several city maps.

For more information or to order maps by email or phone, please email [email protected] or call 785-296-5186.

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