Wichita man creates walking sticks, leaves them at parks for free

16 August 2023

WICHITA, Kan. (KSNW) — A Wichita artist has a creative way to help people stay on their feet at local parks.

Michael Kline is usually at his Wichita home drawing up fun characters as a Lead Illustrator for the magazine Kids Discover.

When the weather started to get warm, he began using nature’s resources to create art.

“I love to be outside. I have to be outside at least once a day,” said Kline.

When Kline was walking through a park, he noticed a lot of large sticks and decided to pick some up.

“I wanted to use them for myself, but I have way too many to use for myself ’cause I only have one hand,” said Kline.

He decided to make walking sticks out of what he collected.

Kline only uses the wood he finds on the ground. He doesn’t take any sticks off trees. He said that the best time to find wood to create sticks is after windy days.

Michael Kline sanding down a walking stick (KSNW Photo)

He carves, sands, stains, and finishes each stick with a rubber tip. Each stick takes about three hours to finish.

The perfect tool for anyone who might need a little assistance.

Finished walking sticks (Photo Courtesy: Michael Kline)

“I’m not there yet, but someday I’m really going to need some help walking, but these really help out quite a bit,” said Kline.

Kline crafted more sticks than he needed, so he decided to give them away for free.

“I just started leaving them out at the area parks next to the walking paths with a little badge on them that says free to use, keep or share,” said Kline.

Badge on a walking stick (Courtesy: Michael Kline)

Klien has made over 50 walking sticks.

“I see people out walking with my sticks sometimes, and I think good. It worked,” said Kline.

Walking sticks left at Wichita parks (Photos Courtesy: Michael Kline)

These sticks are just one of his many projects.

From wooden eyes on trees to art made out of styrofoam to a toy library outside his house, he finds ways to stay busy.

Wooden eyes on tree by Michael KlineStyrofoam Art by Michael KlineWooden eyes for trees by Michael KlineStyrofoam art by Michael KlineWooden eyes on tree by Michael Kline

“I have lots of purposes, but I think this one is pretty cool,” said Kline.

He plans to keep going with this purpose to help everyone enjoy the outdoors.

“I want to be part of the solution, not part of the problem. If I’m out there doing stuff, I might as well do something to help,” said Kline.

You can find his sticks at Sedgwick County, Oak, Swanson, Pawnee Prarie, and Sim parks.

Usually, you can find them near the walking paths every two weeks, but if you can’t find one, Kline said you can reach out to him via email: [email protected].

The sticks are free, but any tips he gets goes toward buying more rubber tips, stain, and anything else to help Kline keep creating sticks.

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